
Download free steam martha is dead
Download free steam martha is dead

download free steam martha is dead

Play with numerous marionette sequences in the mechanical theatre to remember repressed memories. Grounded in reality, Martha Is Dead’s setting and historical context are inspired by real facts and places that have been faithfully reconstructed in true LKA fashion. Martha Is Dead is an exploration of loss, relationships and the psychological undertones of a dark period of history through the eyes of a young woman who seeks the truth, but who also has secrets of her own to hide.Įxplore a detailed recreation of the Italian countrysideįreely explore the breath-takingly realised Tuscany countryside on foot, by boat, or bike. The second game from LKA, the award-winning developer of “The Town of Light” and specialists in reality based narrative games focused on tough subjects. The first Indie game to launch using the native Italian language as the default setting – for full immersion into the story and the characters. Unashamedly authentic voice acting in Italian. The hunt for the truth is shrouded by mysterious folklore and the extreme horror of war that draws ever closer. Martha is dead, and her twin sister Giulia, the young daughter of a German soldier, must alone deal with the acute trauma of loss and the fallout from her murder. Martha Is Dead is a dark first-person psychological thriller, set in 1944 Italy, that blurs the lines between reality, superstition and the tragedy of war.Īs conflict intensifies between German and Allied forces, the desecrated body of a woman is found drowned… Martha! IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PLAYERS WHO MAY FIND DEPICTIONS OF MATURE SCENES CONTAINING BLOOD, DISMEMBERMENT, DISFIGUREMENT OF HUMAN BODIES, MISCARRIAGE AND SELF-HARM DISTURBING. THE GAME IS RECOMMENDED FOR AN ADULT AUDIENCE AND IS RATED ESRB M (MATURE), PEGI 18 AND USK 16.

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